Booking System

Booking System is a portal where peoples who loves fishing can register and book tickets for charters.

Facilities are available for charter owner to generate report of tickets on basis of date.

Charter owner can generate bulk amount of tickets at a time, thus reducing ticket generation time.

Secure payment system is implemented with Paypal. Interactive payment system is for Administrator and to its lower branch, which is possible using Paypal's adaptive payment facility.

booking system php mysql

Interactive calender with color identification to help user search and understand availability of tickets.

Payment/fund transfer is easy for user for currency converter module.

Available tickets are shown to public user as per their timezone.

Ticket Availability

Ticket Availability

Interactive calender with color identification to let user know about available, unavailable, already booked tickets

  • Select a date range to get the availability result. The calender will help you to identify the availability. From the search result book tickets.
Bulk Ticket Creation

Bulk Ticket Creation

Create bulk amount of tickets at once for available date

Login as owner and create bulk tickets, as

  • Select available(marked as Green) date from calender
  • Select a date range from calender to create ticket from and upto a specific date
  • Select date such as Sunday, Monday, Tuesday etc to repeat ticket creation
  • Choose the day from when owner wants to sell tickets
  • Finally select session for which owner wants to create bulk tickets


Generate report to let owner know about his income

  • Select date range for what owner wants to generate report
  • Select session for which owner wants to generate report
  • Owner can download/print report in PDF/Excel format
Change Currency

Change Currency

Flexibility for users to pay with their own currency

  • Users pay the amount with their own currency
  • The amount will be paid to the owner's according to owner's currency
Recent Trips

Recent Trips

At a glance owner can check all the scheduled trips

  • Owners select a date range
  • According to the date range owner can see all the trips with respect to session along with their tickets availability
Multiple Timezone

Multiple Timezone

Flexibility for owners to schedule charter with their own timezone

  • Owner schedule charter according to their own timezone
  • When users check availability of tickets, they can see the time of the charter according to their timezone


Owner can promote his business on website through single link or an IFrame.

  • When a user copy and paste the direct link it will lead to the owner's business site where user can book tickets.
  • When a user copy and paste the embedding text it will promote the owner's business site on user's website where he can book tickets directly.
Charter Selection

Charter Selection

Interactive search option to find out your booking charter

  • Search a location from map to get available charter
  • Select on a charter to book tickets
Purchase Ticket

Purchase Ticket

The ultimate step to book a charter using Paypal account

  • Select payable percentage of the booking amount
  • Enter no. of tickets for adult candidate and children
  • Answer some necessary questions and reach to the payment section
  • Pay amount using Paypal amount and book the tickets
  • An email will be delivered immediately after the booking