DGPS Survey of Compensatory Afforestation Land


We worked with several companies to conduct DGPS (Differential Global Positioning System) survey of lands earmarked for compensatory afforestation as per the guidelines stipulated by MoEF (Ministry of Environment & Forests). In addition to DGPS survey, these projects also involved generation of georeferenced maps of the areas of interest. These projects were conducted in Chattisgarh and Jharkhand.
DGPS Instrument - Identification of compensatory forest area

Work Procedure

  • Sourcing of high-resolution satellite imagery from NRSC (National Remote Sensing Centre), Hyderabad and GTS point from Survey of India
  • Identification of the boundary of compensatory forest area through the survey of boundary corner points and turning points using DGPS instruments
  • Generation of georeferenced cadastral map of the compensatory afforestation land in Shape file
  • Superimposition of the satellite imagery on the georeferenced cadastral map

Final Deliverable

  • DGPS coordinates of each base point and boundary pillars
  • Georeferenced cadastral map and superimposed satellite imagery indicating the surveyed boundary of the compensatory afforestation land