Advantages of Drone survey
- Accessing the hard-to-reach areas: Drones can gather hi-res image of the areas where it requires heavy machinery to inspect in the tradition way
- Safety: Surveillance crew are very susceptible to safety hazards as they have to inspect tough terrains which might be life threatening. Drones are build to get a closer view of the areas which are inaccessible like the underside of bridges, areal view of mines, rivers, rail lines, rocky terrains etc.
- Improved Data collection: Due to its compact size, drones can get closer to survey points and can collect more data, high resolution images better than helicopters and aeroplanes
- Cost effectiveness: Surveys can be performed without shutting down operations which in-turn lowers the cost by avoiding loss of productivity
- Time Saving: To map a plot of 100 acres, a surveyor team can take upto 2 months or so, but a drone can perform the same task in about an hour
- Faster Data capture: Data capture is up to 30 times more faster than traditional survey method
- Autonomous: Currently drones operates autonomously in certain conditions but do need an operator to overview and monitor its progress. Drone uses proprietary commercial grade flight control to automate flight surveillance.
- Accuracy: Drones can attain an accuracy of about 2- 3 cm in survey data enabled by unique onboard Post-Processing Kinematic GPS technology
- Large area coverage: Drones can survey large hectors of land in a single flight and can take better resolution images than satellite imagery
- Light weight and portable: Most drones used for surveillance are light weight, around 4 kgs. Allows easy and quick deployment in tough terrains with limited open area.
- Mutli-operational: Due to its compact size drones have a wide range of applications such as Topography mapping & surveying, Industrial inspections, Real estate photography, Crop monitoring, Agriculture etc.