The existing cadastral sheets of the areas of interest are procured from the concerned authorities. We georeference the mosaicked maps by matching the coordinates of prominent features such as roads, buildings, bridges etc. The Ground Control Points (GCPs) are usually collected on the basis of the area and shape of the concerned region. These georeferenced and vectorized cadastral maps are used to identify administrative boundaries which include village/plot/block boundaries. Apart from that, coordinates of features like waterbodies, railway line as, roads etc. can also be extracted from these maps for conducting surveys.
We deliver georeferenced mining boundary maps that show the exact coordinates of the mining pillars, permanent reference control locations, temporary base locations etc. superimposed over the cadastral sheets along with plot-wise details of the areas of interest. These maps can be used as reliable references for conducting DGPS surveys of the concerned regions.
Dividing a forest area into multiple homogeneous units or compartments facilitates easy management and decision-making. We digitize and georeference forest compartment maps that can be used to identify possible locations of valuable resources and potential sites for mining.