The extensively used sewerage treatment systems require appropriate monitoring and management for them to work efficiently. Implementation of accurate and comprehensive GIS in urban development is essential for this purpose. We specialize in building this database for efficient functioning of the systems. We utilize geospatial technology to map infrastructure usage, identify obstacles, create 3D representations of terrains, create sewage drainage maps etc. to help pipeline-based companies optimize the usage of resources and achieve operational efficiency in developmental planning.

Our scope of work is inclusive of but not restricted to utilizing GIS techniques like DGPS surveys, geo-referencing etc., to create accurate drainage maps of the sewerage networks for documenting the sewerage infrastructure. This helps companies make well-informed decisions about developmental planning for improved efficiency.

sewage drainage maps through GIS in urban development

For example, we have conducted DGPS survey, DEM (Digital Elevation Model) generation and infrastructure mapping of drainage pipeline network of one of our clients to develop a single-point access to the infrastructure for improved monitoring and performance analysis. View the case study here.