We map medical centers, blood banks, medical infrastructure, emergency services, healthcare resources, disease-causing factors etc. to help authorities provide necessary services promptly at the hour of need. This adds a visual element to data and makes it easier to locate the nearest resources quickly and conduct health data analysis. Additionally, GIS-based resource mapping can also be used to identify the progress of diseases, toxic spills, famine and other health disasters. This is accomplished by creating administrative base maps of the areas of interest and mapping the health units and related resources on it to create health administrative maps.


We conduct mapping of the locations of district hospitals, blood banks, pathological centers etc. Additionally, we create maps of health departmental assets including trauma care instruments, ambulance and other infrastructure. This allows visualization and query of infrastructure and asset data which leads to efficient decision-making and governance. The infrastructure maps can be used to determine how many healthcare facilities should be constructed in an area, the right locations to establish them at etc. The purpose behind this is to improve public health through the implementation of GIS.



Efficient health management relies on timely administering of medical care, spreading awareness of diseases and undertaking preventive measures to curb them. A visual representation of the resources available for medical care leads to prompt identification of nearby clinics, the number of doctors available etc. Spatial location analysis of the resources through mapping helps in identifying an area’s strength and providing efficient healthcare management.

healthcare management programs - resource planning

Disease-Causing Factors

The primary step towards curbing health issues is identifying the factors causing the diseases. These factors can be toxic spills, sanitation problems, food-related issues, water contamination etc. Mapping these factors helps in tracking the spread of infectious diseases and other health disasters through a certain area and their relation to people’s health. Such risk factor mapping helps in making well-informed decisions about providing appropriate healthcare.

disease mapping