Android Apps Development at CyberSWIFT

We have a team of experienced Android Developers which can assist you in development of your Android App. In CyberSWIFT we work in Android Development with

  • Native Development in Java using Android Software Development Kit
  • PhoneGap
  • Appcelerator Titanium
  • Xamarin

Case Studies of Android Apps Development at CyberSWIFT

Find below detailed case studies of apps that have been designed and developed by us. All apps are based on client requirements, and are live examples of delivered

android apps development

Build My Form

This app is allows the user to collect data over the field through dynamic forms. The forms can be created over a wizard on a web module. The web module can also specify which devices would can use which specific forms. The devices needs to load the app and would have the form loaded which is assigned to them through admin module. The users can use forms to collect bar codes, photos and Geo locations.

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app development software

Mobile Live Tracker

The scope of the project is to create a GIS based application for the Election Commission. With the help of the application, the administration wanted to monitor the polling procedure taking place in different polling booths belonging to the Assembly Constituencies. The sector officers, require this application to check the polling booths that comes under his jurisdiction during election procedure.

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mobile application development company

Count Monitoring System

The objective of the project is to create a mobile application for the Election Commission for carrying out error free and instantaneous counting result updation. With the help of the application, the administration can monitor and analyze the result of the poll real time basis.

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